Hi, I’m Nicole!


Some might say I’m a dance optimist, but I like to say… I’m a visionary for dancers.

You can find me living my dream as a performer with the Mark Morris Dance Group, since 2013, dancing, touring, and teaching. Dance is absolutely my first language where I can be my most authentic self.

My training has been rigorous in ballet and modern dance techniques. I attended the Pinellas County Center for the Arts at Gibbs High School and later earned my BFA in Modern Dance Performance from University of the Arts in Philly- along with the “Outstanding Performance in Modern Dance Award”.

As a passionate personal development guide, and Holistic Health Coach certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, it is natural for me to marry all my passions and create The Nourished Dancer, alongside my performing career.

TND is all about helping dancers build confidence and a sustainable dance life through body-positive nutrition, dance training, and mindset awareness. It might all sound complicated, but don't worry, I pride myself on keeping it simple.

Some common dance themes have deeply touched me throughout my life, like: my body image as a dancer, low self-esteem, diet culture, the infinite amount of “no’s” I heard before the dream “yes”, and of course being ridiculously hard on myself.


These themes affect so many dancers, holding them back from their true purpose. So much potential not able to fully bloom.

Well I decided… not on my watch!

That’s why I can’t help but guide dancers with the tools, I know that work to overcome these challenges and build the confidence to take bold action in the direction of their dreams.

I choose to see the positive potential and ultimate expression of each artist I work with. Because there are enough people out there that only see the flaws. I see it all, and still work with a balanced, forward-looking approach. 

When I’m not dancing, teaching, or coaching, you can find me happy in my Brooklyn apartment with my talented chef husband and adorable cat, reading a philosophical book, watching a favorite series, or traveling to absorb new cultures and experiences.

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I Believe…

 I believe dance is for bodies of all sizes, colors, and backgrounds.

I believe dancers should nourish their bodies and never feel bad about it.

​I believe in the unique spark within every dancer.

I believe dancers should be unapologetically themselves.

I believe it’s your birthright to share your gifts with the world.

I believe that dance performance is the most powerful healer.

I believe the next wave of dancers will unlock new possibilities in our art form.

​I believe it’s a dancer’s duty to care for their instrument.

I believe in the power of dance training to propel a beautiful life.

I believe you have this dream to dance for an important reason.

I believe in your spirit to overcome any obstacle on your dance journey.

I believe now’s the time to step confidently into your purpose.